Monday, 22 July 2013

The Easiest Process to Install Rails in Windows

The Most and Easiest process to install total package of Ruby on Rails is to install railsinstaller.

You can download the installation file of your convenient version from the given link and install it just by following some next next Procedure. And yes you are ready to jump to your work.
The Package Includes are

  • Ruby 1.9.3/1.8.7
  • Rails 3.2
  • Bundler
  • Git
  • Sqlite
  • Tiny TDS
  • SQl Server Support
  • Devkit

You can also use the same link to start working with your Mac OSX.
So start working now itself. .
and after that

After installing the kit, check out the Rails Guides for information about developing Ruby on Rails applications.
Another great resource is the Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl. While the tutorial is Mac-focused, it does provide great value and insight for Windows users as well. Additionally, there is about 15 hours of accompanying video to in case you're more visually-oriented.
If you need assistance with RailsInstaller, please see our Google Group where you can view posts from other users as well as ask questions. Any bugs with the installer should be reported on Github in the respective repositories ( railsinstaller-windows or railsinstaller-nix ). There is also a #railsinstaller room on Freenode where you can get help in real-time chat.

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